I have no special talent,I am only passionately curious by Albert Einstein -)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pen is mighter than Sword ..!

Being a journalist knowing the actual meaning of this proverb is very important.This proverb defines what a pen can do !A pen is a sort of communication tool through which a writer can share his opinions, he can influence on people rather than warefare, voilance, destruction does.The pen expresses a personnel or public opinion. It stands for the press, literature, news-papers, books, and other writings. The purpose of all writing is to connect one's mind with another, to persuade the reader to take up the view which the writer holds on a particular subject.
 In this contemporary world Pen still have legs to stand on in the form of our great  Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah..! Although we get our homeland with many sacrifices of lives but our Quaid liberted Pakistan with his wise words.

What a Pen can do ??? It can hypnotised the entire nation with his words like a Hitler can did.Although the pen also has two sides, it can destroy a person’s life or enlighten it but a sword can only end lives. 
As Martin Luther King said “Nonviolence is a sword that heals.” 

Finally, words are the most powerful thing someone can possess naturally. Words are used to persuade and change through a just and peaceful manner, as compared to immediate action through physical means (the sword).

All thoughtful men, therefore, prefer the pen to the sword. The government of today is carried on through the help of the press.the Pen can warn the public if any thing wrong.No government of today can stand against a powerful pen. The writer or the debater by his writing or reasoning power rules the day. People have a greater faith in the power of the pen than in that of the sword.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

History records the horror and destruction of wars.
Nations experience war and suffer but as soon as the war is over they forget the disaster and those who die in the battle field fighting for their nations .It seems that mankind has become endure war and its affects without any desire to learn lesson from it .

Common people are always fooled in the name of national pride and they slaughtered in their lives just so that conquerors and invaders can earn greatness for themselves.
The concept of super power like U.S.A generally,this tittle is given to nations possessing heavy weapons and killing machines to attack weak countries.Politicians and diplomats have made efforts to minimize the consequences of war through different conventions and treaties.Nation with strong millitary power choose war as a final solution.In Pakistan we are facing such types of attack by different territories peole suffer from these killing actions rather than attaining peace.every things burning under this painful attempt of terrorists suffered by innocent citizen.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

                         MY DREAM ABOUT PAKISTAN

Sssshhh...I can hear something. I can feel something. I can see something. I can hear the sound of crying children,bomb blast,firing bullets,weeping people. I can watch the struggle of our Pakistani military,mothers crying for their children,I can see hungry children crying. I can see the killing of people.I can see the ruined buildings.I can see the the trees being cut. Do you feel something? No!!!but I do I feel the grief of the people in Pakistan and all these things are killing my dream about Pakistan.

The charming,peaceful,blessed,beautiful and ever lasted Pakistan with flower blooming,birds chirping,children playing,people laughing and happiness fly in air,love everywhere,peace ruling that's my Pakistan.That's my dream

So come on friends lets try to make our country beautiful again.that is the real Pakistan.I know that we will make it and we only need to make our self a good and a true Muslim. let us start sweeping before our own door.This is my message which I want to convey.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Is anyone feel OK with fatty shape body or diseases?
What a silly question m i asking,obviously that is not OK with any individual in this world and i  know that my readers also agreed with me even everyone in this world  would be agreed....
There were many questions arises in our mind daily.we all are conscious about our health,looks and we always thinking  about that single magical  pill which helps us to get rid from all these health problems,but is that any magical pill discovered that really gonna help to get rid  from these health  problems? the answer is YES we have a magical pill thats called "EXERCISE".

In Islam we are rich of blessings of ALLAH and Namaz is one of them,will you ever think that in Namaz we practicing yoga steps.namaz will be considered like a complete exercise for us.
Practicing yoga regularly can not only help you sleep better, keep a healthy weight, and ease back pain,cover a broad range of physical, emotional, and wellness issues.
Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve always had, but for too long we’ve neglected to take our recommended dose. Our health is now suffering as a consequence.
Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health.
"Research suggests in terms of performing a consistent exercise habit, individuals who exercise in the morning tend to do better," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, chief science officer .
Its means that morning exercise is more effective then other times and afternoon or evening workouts productive and stress-relieving.
Research shows that physical activity can also boost many diseases, as well as reducing your risk of stress,Plus,Physical activity also keeps you in shape so you can enjoy leisure activities and safely perform work and home chores. It offers great mental and social benefits as well.Aerobic activity means you're working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat.Exercise burns fat, builds muscle, lowers cholesterol, eases stress and anxiety, lets us sleep restfully.
Research from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine indicates that regular exercise can add up to five years to your life.
It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:
Up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke,50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes &colon cancer, 20% lower risk of breast cancer, 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis,68% lower risk of hip fracture,30% lower risk of falls (among older adults), early death,depression&dementia.
"If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented"
Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

What Is Marriage???

Marriages may be made in Heaven, but they sure have to be managed right here on earth.That's so easier said than done. First let me tell you guys what actually marriage is! 
"Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her masters."
 Through my blog I just tell you the humorous side of marriage.Marriage not only tie two genders of opposite sex in a single knot but it also a bond two families together.A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking in which the husband gives and the wife takes. Married life is full of excitement and frustration: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listens.

This is the world International symbol of marriage which look itself funny rather than it justify the original meaning of being married.Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.It is also greatly said that Marriage is a workshop in which a husband work and a wife shop because after signing the marriage paper the husband account automatically transferred into wife purse. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After the marriage the "Y" becomes silent.
I sometimes wonder how Spider-Man looks after marriage ??? Is He look like that ??

"A Marriage is basically three-ring circus: Engagement ring, Wedding ring and Suffering." (Anonymous)
 Besides all these humors, Marriage is one of the best happenings in some-one's life..!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Curiosity About Beauty

Curiosity About Beauty

I am inspired by life and the beauty in things big and small.Peoles are curios about their outer beauty because they're chasing in the race of health and beauty and why not ?? I think they should be follow the terms and steps of beauty .Basically in our society specially WOMEN are so curios about their beauty and health physic every women wants to be good look in the queue of beauty.Different brands are inaugrated for the solution of cosmetic issues that simply has a drawback which is to make people brand concious and they don't try to grow through on local things.I can't label of that brand here.

Moreover, women increase the market value of branded items .accessories,clothes,jewelry,bags,shoes and many more.designers grab women mind and make their things catchy.they select things from malls rather than market.
similarly,All things make them beautiful and enhance their beauty also.I see beauty as a form of curiosity that exists in response to sensation, and not just information.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


today man has progressed wonderfully during the last one century. things which looked impossible to our forefathers are very common nowadays.we are able to perform a journey of thousands of miles in a few hours comfortably.we are able to speak to a friend on the other corner of the globe. thanks to the invention of television,we are able to see the speakers,we can watch a movies or news. electricity is our ever-ready maid servant we press a button and it does 100+ things for us. medical science has provided wonderful remedies for our diseases. modern surgery has reduced pain of an operation. the huge factories are turning out articles in millions for the use of common man  when we listen about all these advantages we have to sat that life is more comfortable for us. but no there is another side of the picture as well.
today we see that man is not happy,in spit of so much progress. we have so many factories,but still we have poverty and the problem of food and clothing is becoming acute day by day. scientific advancement has provided immense comfort to the rich,but nothing for the poor.
our mechanical civilization,it is valued by the laws of the machines,not by moral or spiritual laws. man has been  changed into a tool,into a pieces of machine. no one is happy today whether a millionaire or a laborer. the peace of mind enjoyed by our forefathers is gone forever.
the high cost of living,the price controls and their failures all made lives miserable,dishonesty,selfishness and greed prevails everywhere. medicines have been invented to cure us but bombs are there to kill us in millions so on the whole it is right to say that "life is not better than  it was in the past".

Monday, March 17, 2014

                                               SMART PHONES                                       
Technology has a huge impact  now a days.Technology has give us orientation and improve our standard of living mostly on transportation our movement from one place to the other, it has also engaged our youth in technical knowledge and made us the dominant species, but may be we are doing it wrong sometimes technology creates problem.Today i wanted to mention about the thing which is called technological addiction which is really harmful and we should follow some precautions to protect our lives which i have mention in the end....

 Nowadays having a cell phone is becoming a common thing for everyone,well it is necessary for a mature persons but the new generation takes it like a fashion which only uses to look cool and attractive or may be want to showing off in there gathering probably .The cell phone would be a great thing if we used it in the right way.Unfortunately most of us don't use it in the right way,thats why cell phone  has also become an addiction.

Doctors are trying to pay attention to a new concern about cellphones and their impact on people’s health. More and more psychologists are worried about new addiction to smart phones, because people prefer virtual communication instead of face-to-face interaction and also causes different diseases like............

  • depression
  • headache
  • memory loss
  • brain tumor
  • malaise
  • disturbance of digestive system
  • eye cancer
  • ear tumor
  • tingling sensations in the skin of the head
sleep disturbanceor many other diseases.cellphones conduct harmful radiations which passes from brain.we are blessed by technology but another way we also have bad effects in our lives as well.

This chart helps you to understand that's how the phone radiations effect our brain..
"In America,A tech investment advisor CEO of digital power group Mr mark mills researched that the average smart phones uses more energy than a mid size refrigerator.. "
I'm shocked when i read ..
just think about the small thing which we hold in our hand it uses more energy then refrigerator,it proves that smart phones is really dangerous.
"Our technological powers increase,but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate"(ALVIN TOFFLER)
There are some following ways which is helpful to save our lives from these dangerous radiations are as follows....
  1. When you try to call someone through mobile phone, do not put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers. Because directly after dialing the mobile phone, it would use its maximum signaling power, which is 2 watts which is equal to 33 dbl. 
  2.  Save your brain. Please use your left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one, it will affect the brain directly                                                                                                                                                                             (This is a true fact from many researches performed by the medical teams around the world).
  3. People who attend a lot of teleconferences should use a wireless headphone cum mike.
  4. Keep mobile phones a few feet away from your body while sleeping. At home, turn on the loudspeaker, so there is not much of a problem for the ears and brain. While traveling, use earphones.
  5.  Do not talk for too long on your cell phone. Short calls will avoid unwanted radiation and also you will save money on calls.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Little Angle♥

( This blog post I dedicated to my sweet little sister)

At the time of Birth
"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."(Eda.Le.Shan)

A baby is a gift of God.Children born with Disabilities are the great challenge for the parents.For parents having a child born with a disability is a long-life adjustment.The siblings are also affected.

Families must learn to tolerate,accept and hopefully celebrate children who are not what they originally had in mind.
Usually parents dream their new baby, will have some of their features and grow up to share their values and interest.but what happened when the baby is different from their thoughts because of disability?? This question is a great challenge for those who suffer and very few parents can understand this.

Unfortunately ,we are living in that society where special children sent to orphanage as their parents thinks that a child having birth defect restricted their lives..!

Through my blog I just want to convey a message that, Special children are also the creature of God.They breath, eat, laugh, cry, sleep, they feel as they are living being! So, Accept them, Love them, Care them and give respect to the child for his own character.!

" Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility."( Kate Douglas Wiggin)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Addiction Of Drugs

Drugs addiction means you stepping towards the death. Drug is really dangerous for human health. Drug contains harmful substances which make them uncouncious such as cocaine, cannabis, crystal myth, heroin, LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), Steroids, and many others.

Drug is something which make human blood addicted to it, without having drugs, addicted consumers of drugs feels absent minded and fainted. They have to take it at any cost and in any form and that's when the bad things happened. They (drug users) get into the criminal activities then.

I think, it increases day by day eventually it is illegal through out the world. The government is responsible for taking it out. I have found in many cases that people think it is a source of taking them out from stress and depression. There are many countries which produces it and export it to the other countries internal sources. The rate of women intakes has also increase and in some areas children are also have found which is totally harmful for human life. the issues are sensitive for the authorities which should be protected not for wasting. Lastly, it is injourious to the health and cause of death. So, basically, you're paying big amout for your own death...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


The key to the treasures of mind,its imagination and creativity,ideas,emotions and feelings,is language.it is the source of communication among living things.not only humans have benefited through it but animal have also developed their own media for expression.
language is not only the words we speak from our mouth,it can even be a blink of an eye which is understandable by two people.any form of communication understandable by both parties can be called a language.
when different languages clashed together,people began to find common signs and sounds to understand each other.today we will find many languages derived from many other languages like Urdu,which  is the mixture of Persian,Arabic,Sanskrit.people throughout the ages have been trying to find a universal languages.the language which will felicitate communication among all living things.people have thought to make one language as standard. for example English which is spoken throughout the world.


Monday, March 10, 2014


                    (A joyful cultural event of Pakistani wedding)

It is really feeling excited to tell u about a traditional event "dholki".Initially i like to share the concept of wedding.Wedding is the process which religiously and legally joining a man and a women in a relationship not only the man and a women but also an alliance between their respective families.Every individual arrange there wedding according to there religious and culture way,In Pakistan there are some of most common events that held normally like mayoo,mehndi(henna),rukhsati and valima,As the only islamic requirement is the nikkah and valima other events are cultural additions.Today,i like to share something about that particular event that starts some days before of "mayoo " that is called "DHOLKI"
traditionally,dholki situated many days or even weeks before the actual wedding day ,where Relatives especially women's will gather in the house of the bride and the groom at night to sing and dance while accompanied by percussion instruments.
In these days the boys and  girls practicing there dance steps and making them perfect which they perform in mayoo or mehndi  its really joyful days during the wedding,but today,this ceremony has also been reduced to a single night of singing and is often combined with mayoo and  mehndi.well these kind of events makes the wedding memorable for everyone.after some time every one recalls there memories which they got from that wedding days,which makes smile on there faces and also they were feeling there self happy,we can also say that this will makes people closer to each other or releases there tensions of life's as well for a while,now in this world everyone busy in there life's,they don't even have a time to meet there closer relatives.I think this type of events makes people closer to each other and makes the relations more strong which is very important.I like to mention two quotes on this.....
  • "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"....HENRY FORD 

  • "There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage".MARTHIN LUTHER

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tea..Part of Pakistani culture

It is greatly said that British left Three Things in Asia that is English, Cricket and Tea !

Light Brown, creamy flavor, hot beverage which can brighten up your morning called Tea and in local language we called "Chai". It is astonish to know that Tea serves as  one of the oldest beverage in the whole world and almost common in every nation. As it is the only drink which we share with our inheritance.
 In Pakistan, at initial stages it was our fashionable habit but now it become our national habit and addiction. Tea become a dominating part of our society and Pakistani culture. It can be estimated on the basis that Pakistan ranked as 3rd largest Tea importer country in  the whole world. It use is very common in our homes, offices, markets, canteens and other workplaces. Drinking Tea provides relaxation to mind and give pleasure. Its also serves a path to start conservation between two people.
In Pakistani culture, usually a guest firstly offers with a cup of tea. Pakistan entitled as a largest tea consumer country in a world. Although some people do not prefer to drink tea due to different myths. As they thought drinking tea might affect their color but majority prefer to drink tea and get addicted and the addicted one called "Chai ka Charsi" in local language.

The famous Balti proverb in Northern Pakistan which completely shows the influence of tea in Pakistani people i.e. :
"The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family..."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The sound of falling water waked me up at early in the morning at 6:30AM on monday and i went to see the sudden effect of nature in the form of RAIN .I looked in the sky the drops of rain touch my face and slip at the ground it completely offended when i was come to see the beauty of nature i love when its raining and admires me a lot .its totally pleasant feel in the rain every thing washed .green leaf .grass and flowers of my garden sparking with shine and dancing when drops of rain hit to them. i was enjoying the sudden impact by nature because it was unpredictable no one knew about what will happen in the monday morning it was a good surprise for me as i love to get wetty in the rain .its a source to feel pleasant in a suppressed environment when beauty exist in you then you can see or explore by minimum zone.I prefer it can bring change in my mood and refer me to find out my hidden inner explorations and satisfactions. nature can also make us happy and joyfull in this destructive environment of karachi and people are deprived .So,its gives us a chance to bring joy and calm in our restless life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


the world we live in keep changing day by day but fashion repeating itself.fashion and style are often confused used anonymously although style and fashion are two separate expressions of themselves.style is unique,individual and never goes out of fashion.style enhances the personality of an individual.people with style know what to wear and when to wear what.they keep their environment and personality in mind when adding clothes and accessories to their wardrobe.their clothes complement their personalities and make them unique.
fashion on the other hand is a mass market.to be fashionably stylish is wonderful and everyone has right to be well-dressed and attractive.it is a necessity of the times we live to take pride in our appearance and have a successful image.although at times this necessity becomes a blindness when the desire to dress well translates into the desire to follow.fashion even if it is not for us.most females are blinded by fashion and end up looking like Christmas trees.
so i believe that the fashion comes or goes but style stays forever.finally i would like to sum up,by saying that quoting of famous love of fashion coco channel said "fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.fashion is in the sky,in the street,fashion has to do with ideas,the way we live,what is happening".

Monday, March 3, 2014

(This is for green for my beloved country Pakistan)


This picture has not been captured on 14th  august at independence day of Pakistan,In which showing that a family celebrating freedom day of Pakistan,Actually this picture had been captured on yesterday 2nd march 2014,when Pakistan won the crucial match against India in Dhaka,Bangladesh.
As all we know that the Indo/Pak conflicts was circling since the separation of two countries,thats why all the things even the game  especially cricket  considered as like the war where people of both countries wanted to won the match at the death rope.Well! im soo happy because we  won the match yesterday..!
 This match was so interesting and crucial also,Every single person of Pakistan and India was madly excited about this match,people arranged projectors and a big screens for making there day enjoyable,special and full of joyness with there families and friends as u see in above's picture.
Our team goal is to win this tournament,because its was so  important for the country and for the team as well.The entire nation of Pakistan were so excited from the start to the end of the match full of excitement even the people didn't wanted to blink there eyes and didn't wanted to do any work. Al thought every moment of the entire match was turned on every ball.Indian team use all tricks to led down Pakistan's eagles,but they fails to do that because team spirit of Pakistan shows on ground yesterday.every player of Pakistan done a tremendous job for victory of Pakistan specially Muhammad hafeez's achieved 75 runs which is so helpfull for other players to earn more runs,given so much energy to Pakistan team,he did's a great partnership with shoaib mansoor on that critical condition when Pakistan needs thats partnership.But at last he lost the wicket and goes back to pavilion,at this time Pakistan's nation becomes  sad to see that,but when boom boom afridi comes on the pitch  and turned the match to victory that time Pakistan people's shouted by afridi"s signature name that is "BOOM BOOM",  SIX! SIX!...Afridi has won the game with two lusty blows. Gave himself room and hocked the first over long-on. The second was sliced over cover but had enough on it with the short boundaries to clear the rope. Afridi stands in the middle of the pitch in his famous star pose. The Pakistan team rush on the field to celebrate. India and Ashwin are stunned. Afridi finished with 34 from 18 balls. 3 sixes and 2 fours. That's 30 of those 34,in last over afridi hits two super duper sixes when Pakistan needs 9 runs in just 4 balls every single person totally dipressed that khuda-na-khuasta Pakistan lost the match,but the boom boom afridi was in full form and he wons the hearts of Pakistan's nation by hitting that 2 wining sixes,nation of Pakistan just goes back in history of 1986 when Pakistan needs 6 runs in just a single ball and javed miandad,hitted the six on that ball,the history repeated on yesterday by boom boom afridi.This un-expected victory of Pakistan team gives a lots of happiness to the entire nation,and the said picture is one of them,u can see the happiness of Pakistan's nation. Pakistan wons the war of cricket against India in start of year 2014.....
THE golden words which is said by  virat kohli a captain of Indian cricket team in begining that:"Pakistan have not been a good chaser" Ahaaann these words becomes harmful for u my dear virat kohli....Well! Pakistan proves there selves that they were not only a  good chaser but they are also  a  stunning players as well and able to take any type of challenges in future no one can beat them, Really proud of how the team has played,and YES how i forgot to mention about today's raining which makes our happiness double to triple.......