I have no special talent,I am only passionately curious by Albert Einstein -)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What the thing come on your mind when you see this name"GOOGLE"?
For me i considered Google as my teacher who get rid of me from many confusions,questions or many troubles which makes me totally confused.Its a blessing not only for me it is the blessing for the whole world as well.In today's world life is running so fast everyone wants shortcut,nobody have time  to read a bundles of books and get there solutions after reading so many books .Google makes this easy for everyone specially students,student excess there information on Google and get there's answer in minutes .In my life Google is that one thing which was so important like my food.sometimes i stuck in may assignments,notes,presentations or many other bla bla things that time  i'll take help from Google.

here i want to thank that people's who creates Google website and given us a great facility,im so thankful of whole management of Google website who given us such a helpful website.thank you so much! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

                                 VERY DANGEROUS ULTRA STRONG DRUG.....!
Face book obsessions are definitely present in today’s society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to fix it.
Teenagers in particular, are spending too much time online. People’s lives are being affected because of the hours spent looking at profiles and pictures.Simply face book becomes a drug,that drug which is really harmful. Face book may also cause of mental disorder,young boys and girls becomes useless they even don't have concern about their life.Face book is taking over the world, and that’s no exaggeration. 

face book creates a lot of crisis like trapping of  children's and making them fool,kidnapping them and demanding a huge amount of money from there parents.Many girls also be misused through it like they upload their pictures which are abused by the corrupt peoples.Many students waste there precious time in using face book instead of spending there time on  education.Many teenager's involves in complex by seeing the beauty full life of other's thats why they become looser's in there lives and cant focus on there future properly.Some ill legal person hacked the id's and misused them so the victims get frustrated in front of their friends and family.
We blessed of many things and social media is one of the blessed thing we should use the things in the right way...!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mass Communication and I ...!

I am doing Bachelor in Mass Communication and sometimes I wonder what does this subject teach me !
I'm that type of girl who have confidence but not to much which require for this subject.While selecting this course i even don't know about the pros and cons of this subject.I've research a lot and after doing homework i concluded that Mass Communication is not that type of subject which restricted boundaries for the students.Its a vast subject which gives a wide variety of discipline.We are living in an age of information explosion where technology has revolutionized information handling and where we can use, preserve and convey any amount of data, anywhere in the world.

Mass Communication preserves you a path to enter in history as well as in future.Mass communication has become a vital and seamless part of everyday human life. Today’s society is dependent on mass communication from morning television news to social media feeds and blog posts; from personalized advertising messages to branded content sponsored by a specific company. Messages sent by mass communicators help inform the public and often help set agendas and public opinion. Mass communicators help people develop an understanding of social problems and make informed decisions. The general public is dependent on mass communication for information about goods and services available for purchase or use.

After studying Mass Communication I really feel proud to be a student of journalist.It encourage me a lot and built potential to do something unusual...!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stop And Reduce Hair Fall Problem (Homemade Tip)

Everyone in this entire world dreams to have healthy, shining and beautiful hair but unfortunately more or less hair fall seems to have a common problem amongst all. Hair fall is one of the most common issue that affects all of us at any certain age of our lives. Though, it is pain full and distressing because no one wants to look bad especially whenever you are making any public appearance or attending special occasions where you be facing many people around you, it could be marriages, parties, seminars, meetings and many others.

However, a small amount of hair fall is considerable, so if you're very conscious about yourself and hair fall bothers you and makes you feel bad then you shouldn't be, because this would a good news for you that according to the beauty experts, it is quite normal if you lose about 100 strands of hair everyday but more than that it must be considered as a severe hair fall.

In this article, I would like to share the natural and homemade tip on how you can stop and reduce hair fall. Fortunately, I have applied this method and it helps me with great result.

How To Stop and Reduce Hair Fall:

Ingredients (things you need):

1- Fresh prepared green tea
2- Egg yolk


First, take a bowl and add 1 egg yolk and add 2 tablespoon of your freshly prepared green tea, mix it well till you get the creamy consistency and a thicker form of it.

Caution: be careful while mixing and blending the ingredients because the green tea would be very hot.


Most important part, apply the mixture right from the center of your hair (head) and leave it for 30-40 minutes and rinse well by shampoo and conditioner for best results.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pen is mighter than Sword ..!

Being a journalist knowing the actual meaning of this proverb is very important.This proverb defines what a pen can do !A pen is a sort of communication tool through which a writer can share his opinions, he can influence on people rather than warefare, voilance, destruction does.The pen expresses a personnel or public opinion. It stands for the press, literature, news-papers, books, and other writings. The purpose of all writing is to connect one's mind with another, to persuade the reader to take up the view which the writer holds on a particular subject.
 In this contemporary world Pen still have legs to stand on in the form of our great  Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah..! Although we get our homeland with many sacrifices of lives but our Quaid liberted Pakistan with his wise words.

What a Pen can do ??? It can hypnotised the entire nation with his words like a Hitler can did.Although the pen also has two sides, it can destroy a person’s life or enlighten it but a sword can only end lives. 
As Martin Luther King said “Nonviolence is a sword that heals.” 

Finally, words are the most powerful thing someone can possess naturally. Words are used to persuade and change through a just and peaceful manner, as compared to immediate action through physical means (the sword).

All thoughtful men, therefore, prefer the pen to the sword. The government of today is carried on through the help of the press.the Pen can warn the public if any thing wrong.No government of today can stand against a powerful pen. The writer or the debater by his writing or reasoning power rules the day. People have a greater faith in the power of the pen than in that of the sword.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

History records the horror and destruction of wars.
Nations experience war and suffer but as soon as the war is over they forget the disaster and those who die in the battle field fighting for their nations .It seems that mankind has become endure war and its affects without any desire to learn lesson from it .

Common people are always fooled in the name of national pride and they slaughtered in their lives just so that conquerors and invaders can earn greatness for themselves.
The concept of super power like U.S.A generally,this tittle is given to nations possessing heavy weapons and killing machines to attack weak countries.Politicians and diplomats have made efforts to minimize the consequences of war through different conventions and treaties.Nation with strong millitary power choose war as a final solution.In Pakistan we are facing such types of attack by different territories peole suffer from these killing actions rather than attaining peace.every things burning under this painful attempt of terrorists suffered by innocent citizen.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

                         MY DREAM ABOUT PAKISTAN

Sssshhh...I can hear something. I can feel something. I can see something. I can hear the sound of crying children,bomb blast,firing bullets,weeping people. I can watch the struggle of our Pakistani military,mothers crying for their children,I can see hungry children crying. I can see the killing of people.I can see the ruined buildings.I can see the the trees being cut. Do you feel something? No!!!but I do I feel the grief of the people in Pakistan and all these things are killing my dream about Pakistan.

The charming,peaceful,blessed,beautiful and ever lasted Pakistan with flower blooming,birds chirping,children playing,people laughing and happiness fly in air,love everywhere,peace ruling that's my Pakistan.That's my dream

So come on friends lets try to make our country beautiful again.that is the real Pakistan.I know that we will make it and we only need to make our self a good and a true Muslim. let us start sweeping before our own door.This is my message which I want to convey.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Is anyone feel OK with fatty shape body or diseases?
What a silly question m i asking,obviously that is not OK with any individual in this world and i  know that my readers also agreed with me even everyone in this world  would be agreed....
There were many questions arises in our mind daily.we all are conscious about our health,looks and we always thinking  about that single magical  pill which helps us to get rid from all these health problems,but is that any magical pill discovered that really gonna help to get rid  from these health  problems? the answer is YES we have a magical pill thats called "EXERCISE".

In Islam we are rich of blessings of ALLAH and Namaz is one of them,will you ever think that in Namaz we practicing yoga steps.namaz will be considered like a complete exercise for us.
Practicing yoga regularly can not only help you sleep better, keep a healthy weight, and ease back pain,cover a broad range of physical, emotional, and wellness issues.
Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve always had, but for too long we’ve neglected to take our recommended dose. Our health is now suffering as a consequence.
Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health.
"Research suggests in terms of performing a consistent exercise habit, individuals who exercise in the morning tend to do better," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, chief science officer .
Its means that morning exercise is more effective then other times and afternoon or evening workouts productive and stress-relieving.
Research shows that physical activity can also boost many diseases, as well as reducing your risk of stress,Plus,Physical activity also keeps you in shape so you can enjoy leisure activities and safely perform work and home chores. It offers great mental and social benefits as well.Aerobic activity means you're working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat.Exercise burns fat, builds muscle, lowers cholesterol, eases stress and anxiety, lets us sleep restfully.
Research from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine indicates that regular exercise can add up to five years to your life.
It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:
Up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke,50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes &colon cancer, 20% lower risk of breast cancer, 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis,68% lower risk of hip fracture,30% lower risk of falls (among older adults), early death,depression&dementia.
"If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented"
Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

What Is Marriage???

Marriages may be made in Heaven, but they sure have to be managed right here on earth.That's so easier said than done. First let me tell you guys what actually marriage is! 
"Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her masters."
 Through my blog I just tell you the humorous side of marriage.Marriage not only tie two genders of opposite sex in a single knot but it also a bond two families together.A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking in which the husband gives and the wife takes. Married life is full of excitement and frustration: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listens.

This is the world International symbol of marriage which look itself funny rather than it justify the original meaning of being married.Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.It is also greatly said that Marriage is a workshop in which a husband work and a wife shop because after signing the marriage paper the husband account automatically transferred into wife purse. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After the marriage the "Y" becomes silent.
I sometimes wonder how Spider-Man looks after marriage ??? Is He look like that ??

"A Marriage is basically three-ring circus: Engagement ring, Wedding ring and Suffering." (Anonymous)
 Besides all these humors, Marriage is one of the best happenings in some-one's life..!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Curiosity About Beauty

Curiosity About Beauty

I am inspired by life and the beauty in things big and small.Peoles are curios about their outer beauty because they're chasing in the race of health and beauty and why not ?? I think they should be follow the terms and steps of beauty .Basically in our society specially WOMEN are so curios about their beauty and health physic every women wants to be good look in the queue of beauty.Different brands are inaugrated for the solution of cosmetic issues that simply has a drawback which is to make people brand concious and they don't try to grow through on local things.I can't label of that brand here.

Moreover, women increase the market value of branded items .accessories,clothes,jewelry,bags,shoes and many more.designers grab women mind and make their things catchy.they select things from malls rather than market.
similarly,All things make them beautiful and enhance their beauty also.I see beauty as a form of curiosity that exists in response to sensation, and not just information.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


today man has progressed wonderfully during the last one century. things which looked impossible to our forefathers are very common nowadays.we are able to perform a journey of thousands of miles in a few hours comfortably.we are able to speak to a friend on the other corner of the globe. thanks to the invention of television,we are able to see the speakers,we can watch a movies or news. electricity is our ever-ready maid servant we press a button and it does 100+ things for us. medical science has provided wonderful remedies for our diseases. modern surgery has reduced pain of an operation. the huge factories are turning out articles in millions for the use of common man  when we listen about all these advantages we have to sat that life is more comfortable for us. but no there is another side of the picture as well.
today we see that man is not happy,in spit of so much progress. we have so many factories,but still we have poverty and the problem of food and clothing is becoming acute day by day. scientific advancement has provided immense comfort to the rich,but nothing for the poor.
our mechanical civilization,it is valued by the laws of the machines,not by moral or spiritual laws. man has been  changed into a tool,into a pieces of machine. no one is happy today whether a millionaire or a laborer. the peace of mind enjoyed by our forefathers is gone forever.
the high cost of living,the price controls and their failures all made lives miserable,dishonesty,selfishness and greed prevails everywhere. medicines have been invented to cure us but bombs are there to kill us in millions so on the whole it is right to say that "life is not better than  it was in the past".